Groundhog Day – Another Breach!


Rich Owen

Speaker Rich Owen,
Designation: Chief Evangelist & CEO at Johnny Security Seed, LCC
Topic: Groundhog Day – Another Breach!
Date of Webinar: 22nd Oct, 2020
Time and Location: 9:00 am PDT/ 9:30 pm IST/ 12:00 pm EDT

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Speaker Bio:
Rich has over 50 years of experience in the field of information protection. He is a past International President of the Information Systems Security Associated and a member of the Information Security Hall of Fame.

Rich created security programs for:

  • Mission Operations, at Johnson Space Center, NASA,
  • the Texas Attorney General,
  • Early Warning Services,
  • American Traffic Solutions
  • Cable One

His current mission in life is to help individuals and companies protect their information. As a part of this effort, he has begun a series of books to promote an interest in cybersecurity in today’s youth. The Cybersecurity Sam adventures are about a high school freshman who ends up working with the FBI to solve cybercrime.

Topic Abstract:
Every day appears to bring a new breach or exposure. We keep doing the same things all over again and expect improved results. Isn’t that the definition of insanity? How can we do things differently with a chance of improved results? After protecting information for over 50 years, Rich will share the information security philosophy that has netted him only two occasions to involve authorities and only one of which was a reportable incident.

Key takeaways:

  • Learn to think and not just comply
  • Analyze the changing threats and effectiveness of controls
  • Develop an aggressive culture

*Examples, analysis, views and opinion shared by the speakers are personal and not endorsed by EC-Council or their respective employer(s)

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