Cyber Forensics in the Ever-evolving World of Electronics

Dr. Luis O. Noguerol

Dr. Luis O. Noguerol

Name Dr. Luis O. Noguerol,
Designation: President & CEO at Advanced Division of Informatics & Technology, Inc.
Topic: Cyber forensics in the ever-evolving world of electronics
Date of Webinar: 19th Feb, 2020
Time and Location: 10 am EST/ 8:30 pm IST/ 3 pm GMT

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Speaker Bio:

Dr. Luis O. Noguerol is the Information System Security Officer (ISSO) for the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic, and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Southeast Region Fisheries Science Center, and also, the President & CEO of Advanced Division of Informatics & Technology, Inc. He has over 35 years of experience in Information Security and Information Technology in a variety of areas. He is a Certified EC-Council Instructor, Certified Microsoft Trainer, and Certified Technical Trainer. In 2016, Dr. Noguerol was awarded the “C|CISO of the year” global title by the EC-Council Foundation and InfoSec Institute and recently completed his 79th IT Certification.

Dr. Noguerol has been a featured speaker at Information Technology/Information Security events throughout North America, Europe, Central America, and South America, as well as in multiple TV/ radio shows and is involved in several cybersecurity panels. As the ISSO for the U.S. Department of Commerce, Dr. Noguerol oversees the cybersecurity operation for five states in the Southeast Region.

Topic Abstract:

With the growing popularity of different types of electronic devices, the necessity to have positive control of the electronic data is not only a legal requirement but also an ethical obligation. The question is: how do you know you are protecting your electronic data? As time passes, judicial systems all around the world are accepting more electronic evidence instead of traditional ways as papers. This is an ongoing process with essential changes from country to Country, State to State, and from Court to Court. Business expectations for availability are rising, and recovery time objectives (RTOs) for more and more applications are nearing zero.
Digital Forensics deals with the assessment of electronic assets, to grasp, investigate, analyze, and determine what has been happening in your information technology systems; including mobile devices, mainly when you have some suspicions about the occurrence of any abuse, crime, (fraud), or just a simple intrusion in your systems.
Interpreting electronic data in raw format requires extensive theoretical preparation, (please note that I said theoretical preparation, intentionally), and proven skills, especially in the fields of electronics, physics, mathematics, and information technology.
Cybersecurity is under much pressure, but even nowadays, the topic of digital forensics is still unattended in most of the organizations. The questions to ask yourself are:

  • What can I do to discover whatever happened in my system with exactitude, to prove that someone has been misbehaving or how and who put my company’s information at risk?
  • How to collect specific pieces of evidence, (never-ever general artifacts), to prove any “wrongdoings” or attacks.
  • Phishing or hunting, or both?

In this live webinar, we are going to talk about possible responses to those topics.

NOTE: Participating Candidates will receive a Certificate of Attendance

*Examples, analysis, views and opinion shared by the speakers are personal and not endorsed by EC-Council or their respective employer(s)

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