Isaiah Visarraga: A Success Story with EC-Council University

Isaiah Success with ec-council

Behind every success story is an individual whose journey helped transform the landscape of cybersecurity education. This article highlights the story of Isaiah Visarraga, whose experience at EC-Council University demonstrates the power of recognition, flexible learning, global collaboration, and unwavering support in cybersecurity education.

EC-Council University’s unique policy recognized his industry certifications and opened doors to a world of learning where every step was a step closer to his dreams.

A Chance Encounter with Success

Isaiah learned about EC-Council University through his friends and coworkers. One day, a friend who had completed a Master’s program in Information Assurance at EC-Council University reached out to him. Recognizing Isaiah’s potential, this friend suggested that EC-Council University could be his path to success.

What truly ignited my interest was the recognition of my prior industry-standard certifications.

— Isaiah Visarraga

The turning point came when Isaiah learned about EC-Council University’s policy of recognizing industry-standard certifications and converting them into college credits. This caught his interest and motivated him to explore the educational opportunities. Isaiah promptly contacted the university and was pleased to receive nine credit hours for the three industry-standard certifications he had earned. It was an excellent start, but it was only the beginning of why he chose EC-Council University.

The Gift of Online Learning

Two factors made the decision even more appealing. First, recognizing his industry certifications at EC-Council University gave Isaiah a significant head start in his education. Second, the university offered a 100% online program, which was a game-changer. As a busy, full-time professional with family commitments, Isaiah found it quite useful to study from any location with internet access. This flexibility allowed him to balance work and life while pursuing his education. The university’s commitment to accommodating students, regardless of location, was commendable.

With EC-Council University, I could carry my laptop to the beach in Hawaii and continue my coursework without missing a beat.

— Isaiah Visarraga

Global Community and Network

What struck me as the most amazing aspect of EC-Council University was the diverse and global community of students.

— Isaiah Visarraga

One of the most impressive aspects of Isaiah’s EC-Council University experience was the diverse and global community of students he encountered. Many of his fellow students came from different countries and states. Despite the geographical differences, they connected through tools like WhatsApp to collaborate, communicate, and organize study sessions. This experience enhanced Isaiah’s educational journey and expanded his professional network. They connected on LinkedIn, ensuring their connections extended beyond graduation.

What I really loved about EC-Council University was the smooth enrollment and personalized guidance. The process of enrolling at EC-Council University was quite simple. An enrollment advisor promptly reached out to guide me in selecting the most suitable program. After thorough discussions and considerations, I decided to pursue a Master of Science in Cybersecurity degree program and specialize in Executive Leadership in Information Assurance. The university’s swift response and personalized attention truly set them apart.

–Isaiah Visarraga

Exceptional Faculty and Support

Isaiah’s interactions with EC-Council University’s faculty and staff throughout his journey proved fruitful. They promptly addressed his queries related to finances, scholarships, or veteran-specific concerns. He adds that their dedication ensured that Isaiah felt supported throughout his academic journey.

An Incredible Journey

The support I received from EC-Council University was more than just academic. It felt like everyone genuinely wanted me to succeed. The university’s environment was welcoming, fostering a strong sense of belonging and encouragement. EC-Council University helped me bridge the gaps in my career, especially in management. This was vital for my aspiration to step into leadership roles, possibly as an SSM or CIO.

— Isaiah Visarraga

The flexibility and unwavering support from EC-Council University made it possible for him to complete his master’s degree despite the challenges along the way.

I wholeheartedly recommend EC-Council University to everyone, especially those in circumstances similar to mine – parents, full-time workers, or anyone seeking a flexible and supportive learning environment.

— Isaiah Visarraga

In one word, EC-Council University is “incredible.” From the start of my journey to the finish line, the entire staff, including teachers, financial aid, and VA offices, made me feel valued and appreciated. I wasn’t just another number; I was Isaiah Visarraga, and they genuinely cared about my success and graduation.

— Isaiah Visarraga

A Transformed Career and Life

Isaiah’s experience with EC-Council University has been nothing short of incredible. It has transformed his professional life, and he’s excited about the bright future it has helped him create. Isaiah Visarraga’s story can inspire anyone who is passionate about cybersecurity and wants to secure a strong footing in this industry.

EC-Council University Cybersecurity Scholarships
EC-Council University offers the New Mexico Cyber Security Scholarship, a program dedicated to providing tuition assistance to both undergraduate and graduate students who are residents of New Mexico. This scholarship underscores our commitment to supporting local talent and fostering education in cybersecurity. Eligible applicants must be current residents of the State of New Mexico and can benefit from a scholarship amounting to 10% of the tuition fee throughout their program of study. The scholarship aims to empower individuals seeking to pursue higher education in cyber security, offering a valuable opportunity for residents of New Mexico to advance their careers in this dynamic field. The eligibility criteria and application process are designed to make the scholarship accessible to qualified individuals, contributing to the growth of cybersecurity expertise in the region.

Go check out Isaiah’s video testimonial on YouTube- Isaiah Visarraga. Dive into Isaiah Visarraga’s experiences, challenges, and the profound influence of the EC-Council University’s Master of Science in Cyber Security program. Gain valuable insights from a dedicated professional committed to securing digital landscapes.

For more information, you can visit our website-

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