Complaints & Grievances

Admission Inquiry

    Complaints & Grievances

    Admission Inquiry

      EC-Council University provides a written procedure which details how students or other parties may register a complaint or grievance, how the institution will investigate the complaint, and how the institution will attempt to solve the complaint.

      Student ComplaintsDefinitionProcedure

      Student Complaints:

      The University is committed to handling any student complaint in a way which:

      • encourages informal resolution,
      • is fair and efficient,
      • treats the student with appropriate seriousness and sympathy,
      • is quick and consistent with a fair and thorough investigation


      The University defines a complaint as “a specific concern on the part of a student about the provision of education or other service by the University.” Examples include:

      • inaccurate or misleading information about the programs of study;
      • inadequate teaching or supervision;
      • insufficient academic facilities;
      • service not provided to standard advertised;
      • the behavior of a member of the staff;
      • the behavior of another student


      The following grievance procedure should be followed by the complainant:

      • The complainant should first make a reasonable effort to resolve the grievance directly with the person or entity they feel caused their complaint (without placing themselves in harm).
      • If a grievance cannot be resolved by a complainant’s initial reasonable effort, or if the grievance has not been resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, a request for further action should be made in a detailed writing to the Academic Appeals Committee at [email protected] within 10 business days of the grievance. The Academic Appeals Committee will initiate an investigation within 10 business days of receiving the written grievance and will then attempt to resolve the matter and will issue a decision to the complainant.
      • If a complainant desires to further appeal a decision, a written statement must be submitted to the University President within 15 business days of the Academic Appeal Committee’s decision. A response will be given within 30 business days.

      A record of each grievance and academic appeal, including its nature and disposition, shall be maintained, for all programs, by the University. Should the student still be dissatisfied, he or she can seek relief from the New Mexico Higher Education Department at New Mexico Higher Education Department, 2044 Galisteo Street Suite 4, Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100, 1-505-476-8400 or From the NMHED website: The Private Postsecondary Schools Division (PPSD) is responsible for the following:

      • Enforcing the New Mexico statutes and rules for all private postsecondary educational institutions operating with a physical presence in the state of New Mexico.
      • Cooperating with authorities seeking to resolve student complaints against state-authorized postsecondary educational institutions and designated out-ofstate proprietary schools.

      Please see the ECCU Catalog for more details.
      The Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) – Contact
      information DEAC

      1101 17th Street NW, Suite 808
      Washington, DC 20036

      EC-Council University maintains open files for inspection regarding all complaints lodged within the past 3 years against faculty, staff and students.

      If possible, the complaint should be given to the individual directly responsible for the situation. EC-Council University will NOT take adversary action against the student who lodged the complaint.

      EC-Council University encourages individuals to take the following steps when handling complaints:

      Step 1

      Submit your complaint in writing to the Academic Appeals Committee at: [email protected]

      In the complaint be sure to include:

      • Your name and contact information
      • Who/What the complaint is about
      • The instance that occurred
      • Date(s) of occurrence

      The Committee will respond to your complaint within 10 business days.

      Step 2

      If the student is dissatisfied or feels unable to confront the individual who is directly responsible, the case will be handed over to the University President, who will investigate the matter and report back to the student. The investigation will be handled in an impartial manner. Please see the ECCU Catalog for more details.

      Should the student still be dissatisfied, he or she can seek relief from the New Mexico Higher Education Department at:

      New Mexico Higher Education Department,
      2044 Galisteo Street Suite 4,
      Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100,
      or call 1-505-476-8400

      What can I do if I’m still not satisfied?

      Should the student still be dissatisfied, he or she can seek relief from the New Mexico Higher Education Department at New Mexico Higher Education Department, 2044 Galisteo Street Suite 4, Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100, 1-505-476-8400 or From the NMHED website: The Private Postsecondary Schools Division (PPSD) is responsible for the following:

      Enforcing the New Mexico statutes and rules for all private postsecondary educational institutions operating with a physical presence in the state of New Mexico
      Cooperating with authorities seeking to resolve student complaints against state-authorized postsecondary educational institutions and designated out-of-state proprietary schools

      The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) is an agreement among member states, districts and territories that sets national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. EC-Council University (ECCU) is an NC-SARA approved institution and the New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) is the NC-SARA Portal Entity for New Mexico. Distance Education students attending ECCU who would like to resolve a grievance should follow ECCU’s established Student Complaint Process. However, if an issue cannot be resolved internally, you may file an NC-SARA complaint with the New Mexico Higher Education Department. Complaints regarding grades and student conduct violations shall not be reviewed by NMHED. Please visit for more information.

      Complaints not addressed can also be submitted to the Distance Education and Accrediting Commission (DEAC) by completing the online complaint form at

      Or mailed to:

      Distance Education Accrediting Commission
      1101 17th Street NW Suite 808
      Washington, DC 20036